The unexpected is often what we need.

Life can be full of surprises. Things we might never imagine happen. Events we hoped to avoid come to pass.

Some of the unexpected occurrences we might view positively, others negatively. Either way, they weren’t anticipated.

Surprises we like make us thankful. Those we dislike cause us regret and dismay. However, either way, the unexpected may be exactly what we need.

An unpleasant occurrence can push us to change. In the short-term, this can feel stressful and difficult. Longer-term, the alterations we make to cope may lead us to a better way of being.

Today’s message intimates that I may wish to be grateful for the unexpected whether or not it is pleasant. When I’m given the opportunity of being pushed to shift, my life possibilities open.

Please reflect and share. What unexpected occurrence might you wish to leverage?